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Weta Workshop The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - Minas Tirith Environment

ID: 21258145
831,89 €
Možnost vračila v 14 dneh 
Standardna dostava predvidoma od četrtka, 27.3. naprej - Brezplačno
Ponudba prodajalca Big Bang eTržnice. Nakup je mogoč izključno preko spleta.
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The greatest city of Gondor, the citadel of Minas Tirith is a towering, fortified community built into the side of the White Mountains.

Minas Tirith has seven levels, divided by concentric walls and crowned by the Tower of Ecthelion and the Court of the Fountain, where grows the White Tree of Gondor. Bisecting the city, a great rock abutment sprouts from the mountainside like the prow of a ship.

When war comes to Gondor, Minas Tirith is besieged by the forces of Mordor to the East. Riding to the defense of the city from Rohan and beyond, the free peoples of Middle-earth mount their last stand against the Dark Lord's overwhelming forces at Minas Tirith.

•Open Edition;
•Made from high-quality polystone;
•360° environment design;
•Recreated in meticulous detailing.