Ime podetjaGrupa MND Sp. z o.o. - MANADA
Povratni naslovLidzbarska 33
Telefonska številka+48577 184 800
Kurirske službePošta Slovenije, GLS, DHL, UPS, DPD, TNT, Gebruder Weiss, Gold Exspres, FeDex
Stroške vračila pri odstopu od pogodbe krijeKupec
Pri nakupu na daljavo (spletni nakup) ima potrošnik pravico, da v roku 14 dni od datuma nakupa ali prejema blaga oziroma digitalnih vsebin odstopi od pogodbe brez navedbe razloga in vrne izdelek.
Da bi uveljavil pravico do odstopa od pogodbe, mora potrošnik obvestiti ponudnika storitev o svoji odločitvi za odstop od pogodbe z nedvoumno izjavo (npr. z dopisom, poslanim po pošti na naslov Grupa MND - MANADA, Lidzbarska 33, 13-200 Działdowo, Poljska) ali po elektronski pošti na naslov
[email protected]
Potrošnik lahko pošlje obrazec za odstop od pogodbe ali katerokoli nedvoumno izjavo, iz katere izhaja, da odstopa od pogodbe. Šteje se, da je potrošnik podal izjavo o odstopu od pogodbe pravočasno, če je bila poslana v roku za odstop od pogodbe. Priložiti je treba tudi kopijo računa ali drugega ustreznega dokumenta.
Če je potrošnik že prejel blago ali digitalno vsebino, dostavljeno na fizičnem nosilcu, in odstopi od pogodbe, mora to vrniti nemudoma, najkasneje v 14 dneh od dneva, ko je obvestil o odstopu od pogodbe. Šteje se, da potrošnik vrne blago pravočasno, če je bilo poslano pred iztekom 14-dnevnega roka za vračilo.
Potrošnik nosi stroške vračila blaga ali digitalnih vsebin, dostavljenih na fizičnem nosilcu, razen če te stroške krije prodajalec ali če prodajalec ni predhodno obvestil potrošnika, da jih mora nositi potrošnik. Potrošnik nima pravice do vračila dodatnih stroškov, če se je izrecno odločil za drug način dostave kot najcenejšo standardno dostavo, ki jo ponuja prodajalec.
V primeru odstopa od pogodbe prodajalec potrošniku vrne kupnino v roku 14 dni od dne prejema potrošnikove izjave o odstopu od pogodbe. Prejeta plačila bodo vrnjena potrošniku z enakim načinom plačila, kot ga je uporabil potrošnik. Če soglašate s prenosom sredstev na svoj TRR (brez dodatnih stroškov) za hitrejše vračilo, vas prosimo, da to označite v obrazcu ali izjavi, ki jo oddate ob odstopu. Prodajalec si pridržuje pravico zadržati vračilo kupnine do prejema vrnjenega blaga ali predložitve dokaza, da je potrošnik vrnil blago prodajalcu.
Vrnjen znesek vključuje tudi standardne stroške dostave, ki so bili plačani ob nakupu. Pri izbiri nadstandardne dostave prodajalec ni dolžan povrniti teh stroškov potrošniku.
Potrošnik je odgovoren za zmanjšanje vrednosti blaga, če je zmanjšanje posledica ravnanja, ki ni nujno potrebno za ugotovitev narave, lastnosti in delovanja blaga. Namen pravice do odstopa od pogodbe je omogočiti vam, da izdelek odprete, ga pregledate in, če vam ne ustreza ali ne izpolnjuje vaših pričakovanj, odstopite od nakupa.
Pred vračilom kupljenega izdelka nas o tem obvestite na
[email protected]
When making a remote purchase (online purchase), the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract **within 14 days from the date of purchase or receipt of goods or digital content** without providing a reason and return the product.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, the consumer must inform the service provider of their decision to withdraw from the contract by making an unequivocal statement (e.g., by sending a letter by post to **Grupa MND - MANADA, Lidzbarska 33, 13-200 Działdowo, Poland**) or by email to **
[email protected]**.
The consumer may send a withdrawal form or submit any clear statement indicating their decision to withdraw from the contract. The consumer is deemed to have submitted their withdrawal statement within the withdrawal period if it is sent within the specified timeframe. A copy of the invoice or another relevant document should also be attached.
If the consumer has already received the goods or digital content delivered on a physical medium and withdraws from the contract, they are obliged to return it immediately, no later than **14 days from the date on which they notified the withdrawal from the contract**. The consumer is considered to have returned the goods on time if they are sent back before the 14-day return deadline expires.
The consumer bears the cost of returning the goods or digital content delivered on a physical medium unless these costs are covered by the seller or the seller failed to inform the consumer in advance that they must bear these costs. The consumer is not entitled to a refund of additional costs if they explicitly chose a delivery method other than the cheapest standard delivery offered by the seller.
In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the seller will refund the purchase price to the consumer **within 14 days from the date of receiving the consumer’s withdrawal statement**. Payments received will be refunded using the same payment method used by the consumer. If you agree to a transfer to your bank account (at no additional cost) to expedite the refund, please indicate this in the withdrawal form or statement submitted with your declaration. The seller reserves the right to withhold the refund of the purchase price until the returned goods are received or evidence of their return is provided by the consumer.
The refunded amount also includes the standard delivery fees paid at the time of purchase. In the case of non-standard delivery, the seller is not obliged to refund those costs to the consumer.
The consumer is responsible for any reduction in the value of the goods if the reduction results from handling that was not necessary to determine the nature, characteristics, and functionality of the goods. The right of withdrawal is intended to allow you to open the product, inspect it, and, if it does not meet your expectations, withdraw from the purchase.
Before returning a purchased product, please inform us at
[email protected].