Big BangIzdelkiVse za otroke in staršePripomočki za staršePripomočki za dojenjeNukido NK-964 Three-Phase Electric Breast Pump for Comfortable Milk Expression

Nukido NK-964 Three-Phase Electric Breast Pump for Comfortable Milk Expression

ID: 21740288
58,74 €
Možnost vračila v 14 dneh 
Standardna dostava predvidoma od petka, 7.3. naprej - Brezplačno
Ponudba prodajalca Big Bang eTržnice. Nakup je mogoč izključno preko spleta.
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Prodajalec: shumee
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Trifazna električna prsna črpalka Nukido NK-964


Introducing the Berdsen BL-900 Manual Breast Pump, designed for nursing mothers. This essential tool allows easy milk expression while stimulating lactation. With a gentle silicone massage pad, it mimics your baby's natural sucking rhythm for comfort. Safe and BPA-free, it ensures no harmful chemicals during feeding. Portable for use at home or on the go, it includes a 150ml milk bottle, two disposable storage bags, and a suction funnel, making it a commitment to your baby's health and your convenience.
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