Big BangIzdelkiVse za otroke in staršeIgračeAkcijske figuriceIron Studios & MiniCo X-Men - Psylocke Figure

Iron Studios & MiniCo X-Men - Psylocke Figure

ID: 20838587
19,99 €
Možnost vračila v 14 dneh 
Standardna dostava predvidoma od petka, 21.3. naprej
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Prodajalec: Pressstart
Na voljo še 3 ponudbe od 37.27 €
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Opis izdelka

Iron Studios proudly presents its first MiniCo line of Marvel’s most beloved mutant superheroes, the X-Men, one of the most requested series by fans and collectors, in Iron Studios’ stylized Toy Art version. The collection is based on the design of comics from the 1990s, one of the most popular and cult phases of the group, with a diorama scenario of the heroes on top of a scrap of a Sentinel Robot, one of their classic enemies, and explores the most striking traits of each character’s personality through their looks.

Balance and oriental wisdom are reflected in the face of the statue ”Psylocke – X-Men – MiniCo – Iron Studios”, the mutant hero and ninja Betsy Braddock. She is sitting on the rocks of a battlefield, with her Katana sword at her feet, as she creates, with her psychic energy, an Origami form of a classic Tsuru lucky bird, reminiscent of her Japanese descent. With telepathic powers and the ability to create weapons with her psychic energy, Betsy, better known as Psylocke, is also an excellent fighter with ninja martial skills.