Developed by Rankin/Bass, based on the characters created by Tobin \”Ted\” Wolf, ThunderCats was one of the most successful animation series in the 1980s, with three seasons totaling 130 episodes. The series tells the adventures of a group of humanoid felines surviving from the planet Thundera, on a new planet called the Third Earth, facing various threats and their greatest enemy, the mummified demonic sorcerer Mumm-Ra.
Panthro is the one with the greatest physical strength in the group and is a master in martial arts, in addition to being an expert in mechanics and advanced technology. Among his creations, the following stand out: the ThunderTank combat vehicle, the space ship: Feliner used for the space adventures; the boards of the characters Willykit and Willycat and the aerial vehicles ThunderClaw and HoverCat.
His weapon is the nun-chuck, which holds a number of concealed substances, usually gaseous, but generally the weapon is used in hand to hand combat. Panthro also has spikes attached to his shoulder straps that can extend or can spring out attached to some sort of wires or ropes. It`s weak point is the fear of bats.