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Big BangIzdelkiVrt & orodjeMoja delavnicaHumberg HM-290 2000W Professional Electric Heat Gun for Versatile Applications

Humberg HM-290 2000W Professional Electric Heat Gun for Versatile Applications

ID: 21740679
29,81 €
Možnost vračila v 14 dneh 
Standardna dostava predvidoma od srede, 19.3. naprej - Brezplačno
Ponudba prodajalca Big Bang eTržnice. Nakup je mogoč izključno preko spleta.
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Prodajalec: shumee
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Opis izdelka
Električna toplotna pištola Humberg HM-290 2000 W


Transform your gardening experience with our Electric Weed Burner and Grill Lighter, designed for effortless weed elimination and versatile cooking. Operating at 230V and 2100/2500W, it delivers an airflow of 50l/min and adjustable temperatures up to 60 degrees Celsius. Eliminate stubborn weeds quickly without straining your back. Its lightweight design features a convenient trigger and built-in support, making it a multi-functional tool. Enjoy an eco-friendly solution that replaces harmful pesticides!
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